Our Strengths
Studio R Light continually invests in creativity, both in human resources and in the continuous monitoring of new materials and trends. The result of this policy is visible in all our achievements. The commitment is remarkable considering that Christmas decorations have become more and more all the same. Creativity is not something that you buy, but something to plan and nurture, making it appropriate for innovative and imaginative proposals aimed to make every Christmas a unique theatrical setting “tailored” for each customer.
The dates of installation of outdoor and indoor Christmas lighting projects are always satisfied: for customers of Studio R Light the Christmas period is an investment to safeguard, and it has its rules.
The maintenance of internal and external lighting is provided by contract and in timely manner, organized to perform operations within a maximum of 36 hours, thanks to the coordination of Studio R Light and its operating partners throughout Italy, 24/7.
Our Method
Procedures and deadlines for implementation are strictly based on the absolute lack of interference with the public and operators. The jobs are executed at the times agreed with the customer and in close collaboration with the supervisors.
All activities are held in Studio R Light observance of safety regulations
(DURC, Operational Safety Plan, standard equipment), as DL 81/08, which replaced and integrated the 626.
Before the work begins we provide our customers all the necessary documents and safety inspections.
Bureaucratic Procedures
Where required, Studio R Light provides the handling of any formalities necessary for carrying out tasks (City Council, Fire Brigade, the electricity utility company).
This is always part of our complete service.